Monday, April 1, 2013

Testing History

My testing history was taking up a big chunk of my signature on the message board I frequent, so I wanted to make sure I had it documented somewhere else before I trimmed it down.

1/2013- DX simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia- 90 days provera

5/2013- Repeat endo biopsy- DX- progression to complex endometrial hyperplasia without atypia

5/2013- D&C and hysteroscopy- DX: no indication of hyperplasia, indication of polypoid tissue. Increase Provera to 80mg/day

7/2013- 1st consult with RE. Switch to Megace (40mg daily) 3rd Endo Biopsy: DX- NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE. 

8/2013- HSG. DX- Right Tube completely blocked. Elevated TPO and TSH. DX- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

DH's SA= good count, poor motility (39%) and morphology (4%). Adding Fertiliaid for Men and CoQ10