Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Infertility Glossary
There are tons of abbreviations commonly used in the Trying to Conceive (TTC) and Infertility (IF) world So here is a glossary for reference.
3T/TTTC- Trouble Trying to Conceive (Infertility)
AF - Aunt Flo (menstruation)
AI - Artificial Insemination
AO – Anovulatory
AR - Assisted Reproduction
ART - Assisted Reproductive Technology
BC - Birth Control
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BFN or BF0 - Big Fat Negative (home pregnancy test result)
BFP - Big Fat (or Effing) Positive (home pregnancy test result)
BW or B/W - Blood Work
CB - Cycle Buddy
CBEFM - Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor
CD - Cycle day
CM - Cervical Mucus
CP - Cervical position
D&C - Dilation & Curettage
DH - Dear/Darling Husband
DPO - Days past ovulation
ENDO – Endometriosis
ET - Embryo Transfer
EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucus
FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer
FMU - First morning urine
FRER - First Response Early Response
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy
HSC - Hysteroscopy
HSG – Hysterosalpingogram
ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IF – Infertility
IR- Insulin Resistant
IRL- In Real Life
IUI - Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
KU- Knocked Up
LAP – Laparoscopy
LH - Luteinizing Hormone
LP - Luteal phase
LPD - Luteal Phase Defect
MC - Miscarriage
MF - Male Factor Infertility
O - Ovulation
OB – Obstetrician
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
OV – Ovulation
P4 – Progesterone
PC - Post-Coital (after sex)
PCO, PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS (POS) - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PCP - Primary Care Physician
PCT - Post-Coital Test
PG - Pregnancy or Pregnant
PI - Primary Infertility
PIAC - Pee In A cup
PNV - Prenatal vitamin
POAS - Pee On A Stick
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
RPL - Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
S/A - Sperm/semen analysis
SHG – Sonohysterogram
SI - Secondary Infertility
TI - Timed Intercourse
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
US or u/s - Ultrasound