Monday, March 31, 2014

Why do my ovaries hate me?

I'm exhausted.

Plain and simple.


I've been stimming for... 19 days? And my largest follie is 9mm.



I'm supposed to be traveling out of state for a conference this weekend, and my body's decided it doesn't want to play fair.

So my options:

1) Skip the conference that I was invited to speak at. Huge ding to my professional reputation

2) Convert to TI and bring DH to conference. Requires hiring a pet sitter.

3) Cancel the cycle. There goes another month down the drain.

I am SO SO SO fucking ready for IVF at this point. I just want them to make my ovaries go nuts, get a shit ton of eggs, get a good transfer, and get some frosties on ice.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

It's honestly a lot of waiting for nothing

My ovaries. They suck. That's all there is to it.

I've been stimming for the better part of 17 days now, and we'll find out tomorrow morning if there was any reason for it. With such shitty response, I'm expecting my cycle to be cancelled and for us to start our long break before IVF.

I haven't been posting much because frankly there hasn't been much to say.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Last shot at a 2014 baby

Had my CD howeverthefucklongitsbeenproverasucksandIdidntbleed "3" ultrasound today.

I'm 17 days post my final provera pill.  No sign of AF. So they had me come in to check for cysts. No cysts. 

Lining= 6.5mm
AFC= >20 follicles measuring <8mm on each ovary. At least I have a shit ton of potential.

So despite my ridiculous AFC, they're starting my next cycle.

Protocol is 4 days @50IU of follistim, 4 days @75IU, and then ultrasound and E2 check.

They're planning IUI with a lupron trigger

Did the math- if I actually get to go forward with an IUI, this is our last shot at a 2014 baby.

Come on ovaries, don't let me down!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Feel like a blogging slacker

So I feel like a complete an utter blogging failure right now. My provera-induced period is taking for-freaking-ever to show up, so there hasn't been much to say on the infertility front.

On the personal front I've been incredibly busy launching a small home-based travel company. I have a passion for travel, and I've been the "go to" for many of my friends for years when it comes to booking their trips. After doing it for free for so many years I decided it was time to start getting paid- especially since the price that my friends will be paying to the cruise line/resort will be the same or less as if they booked on their own.

In other words my friends get the same level of service from me that they did before, the same or better price that they would have paid had I simply given them advice, but I get paid at no cost to the consumer.

Too good to be true, right? That's what I thought. But it's not. I work with a "host agency" that takes a portion of my commission off the top before I get paid. But other than that, I have no fees- there were no "association fees" to join, no monthly recurring fees, nothing.

But DANG is it work. I mean a LOT of work. I spend an average of 4-5 hours booking something as simple as a cruise for a client, following up between booking and sail to negotiate better rates, etc.

Let's use the client that I booked last night. She and her boyfriend are taking a 7-day caribbean cruise. They are paying roughly $1200 when all is said and done.

My share of that $1200? Less than $100.

So it's a lot of work for very little reward, but at the same time I was doing it anyway for free, so at least I'm making *something* now.