Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A long time coming (not a BFP)


This blog post has been a long time coming. I think that now the exodus is complete, and we can resume my regularly scheduled rantings.

Although, I may be starting a new blog, or setting this one to password access.

Because a funny thing has happened.

A funny thing that I could have never imagined on January 13th, 2015.

Since the Exodus from the dump, that little proboards forum site has grown to nearly 7800 members, with an average of 300,000 page views a day.

And I'm doing the craziest thing of my life.

You see, 8 or 9 months ago, several of the moderators formed a facebook group so that we could speak candidly about some of the shenanigans going on at the other place. The writing was on the wall for a LONG ASS TIME before the bannings started. And jokingly (or half-jokingly) several of us said "we're smart, we should make a run at making a better website.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that less than 8 months after that conversation that I would be the one driving the crazy train, straight on to new-website ville.

When I launched the proboards forums, I had zero intention of making this a business venture. I just wanted a safe place for my friends.

But as people defected from the other site, we kept hearing the stragglers say "I want to come, but I don't want to leave people behind. I want people to be able to find us. I want to provide the support that I have been given."

And so the wheels started turning. And with the help of two other early defectors, we're making a run at it. This isn't news for 90% of the people reading this blog. But for that other 10% that didn't follow us over, or who weren't part of the other place, this is big. Like really big.

I would like to introduce you to Then Comes Family. Our goal is to be the #1 fact based TTC, Pregnancy, and Family website on the internet, inclusive of all families in all shapes and sizes, no matter what that looks like.

So if you haven't already, come join us at

It's still in the earliest of early stages, but I am beyond excited to see what comes next.