Just like the old girl scout song, I've spent the past few days reflecting on friendships. The past two years have brought some great new folks into my life, and rekindled some great former friendships.
A softball teammate that I played with in first grade and hadn't seen since graduating high school and I have bonded over the loss of our fathers. Her dad died almost a year to the day after my dad died. She just got engaged over the weekend, and I had a great conversation with her today about weddings after losses. I was lucky that my dad was there for my wedding, but we cancelled our big to-do and had a family only ceremony with no reception so that my dad could be there. So we commiserated over not having a daddy/daughter dance.
My former BFF. Around 6 years ago we got into a fight (over what I cannot even remember) and she stopped speaking to me. For 6 years I would occasionally reach out with an email, facebook message or letter, and never got a response. On Christmas Eve she facebooked me and apologized for her part in the fight, and we spent over an hour catching up on each others lives.
My divorced friend. It has been so hard not being able to be there to wipe tears, give hugs, or go shopping since we are hundreds of miles apart. But we are closer than we have ever been.
No real point to this post. Just wanted to put in words how happy I am to have the new-old friends that I have
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