This is not how I anticipated our V-day this year.
I figured by now we'd have a baby in our arms. Or at least I'd be roughly the size of a beached whale, waiting on our precious bundle of love.
This last year has been a rollercoaster. My marriage has hit rock bottom multiple times. The stress has been oppressive and destructive.
But despite the rollercoaster of this journey, there are a few people who have been by my side. My "bumpies" from the 3T board. Those ladies have been with me every last step of the way. I'm pretty sure some of them know more about my reproductive organs than my own husband. Apparently I've been on line so much the last year that these women have decided I would make a good moderator for the board. I'd like to think that I'm doing a good job...
I know I'm going to forget a ton of ladies- doesn't mean I don't love you!
Katib- I hope that I can be 1/10 the woman that you are. You are ferocious like the tiger, stubborn like the bulldog, and as loving as a swan. You've been through hell, and I hope that your family is complete soon. Fingers crossed for you.
Rumbera- My partner in crime. I think together we've probably rode the bench a total of 12 months. You're the ying to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly. You counterbalance my snark perfectly. Thank you for being an amazing co-mod.
RunCC- Girl, you keep me inspired, and get me off the couch even on the bad days.
Ky29- you go above and beyond. You're an amazing person and you always bring a smile to my face.
BlueJoan- Keep warming that bench, and know you're always welcome here!
Sully- you're not a 3T'er, but you're amazing. Keep your chin up.
Happy Valentines Day to my internet lovelies!