Sunday, August 25, 2013

Let's talk about sex

Honestly, IF has destroyed our once active sex life. Before all this BS, we were the every-other-day hot, rough, naughty sex type. Not 50-shades-of-Grey naughty, but "more than you can buy at Spencers" naughty.

Now we're lucky if we have sex once a month, and it's more out of a feeling of obligation. It's mechanical and boring. I'll be honest, IF has made me feel defective. It's gotten to the point where I say "Why bother having sex, it's not like I can get pregnant even if we try, and no matter how much we do it we won't have a baby on our own".

Sex has become self-defeating for me and it's ruining our marriage. DH is constantly frustrated, I'm constantly mopey, and I feel like the only time he's physically affectionate toward me is when he thinks he can get some. I can't say that I blame the guy though- I've been shutting him down left and right.

Now that we're in medicated cycles, I've tried to explain that before we screw like bunnies, we have to make sure it's safe for me, and for Future Fetus/fetuses Dreamer. I've explained the risk of higher order multiples, of WHY we need to wait until after our ultrasound to bang bang bang. He gets it. He's not happy about it, but he gets it.

So here we are at the present. I've had negative OPKs all week and my temps have been holding steady. Imagine my surprise Saturday morning when I woke up with a temp drop on CD 12.

Was this the magical pre-O temp drop so many speak of?!??!??!?!

"woah Naria, PUMP THE BRAKES"

We're not scheduled for our follie check until Monday. My CD3 ultrasound was clear of cysts, and since I haven't had a cycle in 8 months at this point, they assumed I'd O later in my cycle.

"but but but but....."

I had to make a judgement call, and I'm pretty sure I just made the wrong one because I had a temp spike this morning. Lord help me if I pull a Kate Gosslin. I just couldn't help myself any longer.

But the sex was great. 

The OPKs never turned positive, so I'm hoping perhaps I was just warm in my sleep....

So here's to my ultrasound tomorrow morning. Lord help us if I already O'd. 

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