Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So now that basically everyone in my office knows...

IF meds are a fickle fickle thing. I've been falling asleep EARLY (for me) every night, waking up multiple times a night to pee, and generally have been exhausted.

I'm supposed to be working an event for work tomorrow night that the "new girl" is orchestrating. She's been here for 2 months, and I've probably had less than 5 conversations with her (she works in a different service unit).

Today I had to explain to her that I might have to duck out of the event early because my fertility meds are making me exhausted. So now officially everyone in the department knows that not only are we TTC, but we're going through IF treatments. I work in a fairly spiritual environment so it's nice to know that my coworkers are praying/sending good vibes, but at the same time it's a bit awkward. 

Since I have no cell reception in my office, every call to or from the RE goes through my desk phone, so those in the offices/cubes near me have a general idea of what's going on... but I just feel so exposed right now.

I'm fortunate to work in a field (social services/community building) where motherhood is celebrated and being "open" about our intentions to start a family is not a reason to withhold projects or promotions, but rather to provide opportunities for growth. Several employees in my unit have had complicated pregnancies and it's the type of office where they do a take-a-meal sign up, where there are always baby showers, and where a bedrest work-from-home plan is always a possibility. 

I *don't* plan to be a SAHM after LO #1. It's just not who I am. I crave adult interaction, and my biggest reservation about getting married was becoming "Mr. X's Wife" vs NariaDreaming. In the same way, I can't imagine being identified primarily as "Junior's Mom". Not knocking SAHM's in any way- my mom was a SAHM for 10 years- it's just not something I see in my future. And my boss knows it. 

So here's to being "out" at work! 

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