Wednesday, October 16, 2013

DIY Wednesday: Rice Packs

Photo Credit: Blissfully Content
These have been a game changer for me! From AF cramps to injuries, to just needing something warm in my pockets on a chilly day, these easy to make and easy to heat packs are just what the doctor ordered.

Bonus- you can store them in the freezer to keep their scent stronger for longer, and they hold cold as well as heat, so you can use them as cold packs too!

These are seriously easy, you can make them in a variety of sizes, and you almost always can find scrap fabric that will work well. You just want a fabric that breathes well (like cotton, flannel, or a poly blend)

To make, cut two pieces of matching or coordinating fabric. Sew with right sides together, and then turn right-side out. Fill the bags with rice mixed with a spoonful of dried lavender (or other aromatic), turn the edges in, and then sew the last edge shut.

If you have a serger, you can sew the bags right-side out, leave a small opening to fill the packs, and then finish the small opening.

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