Saturday, October 19, 2013

Living while Waiting (or waiting while living!)

This is a topic that seems to come up often in the IF community: the waiting. You've got the 2WW after ovulation to test. You've got the wait at the end of the 2WW for AF to show up if you're irregular. You've got the wait after your CD3 ultrasound until your mid-cycle scan.

It's a lot of waiting.

And lately I've found myself wishing that time away. And then I paused to think. If I live to be 85, that means I only have approximately 21,000 days left on earth. Why would I wish ANY of those precious days away. Yes, the waiting sucks, but I need to KEEP LIVING while waiting.

Which is why I've taken up writing again. And singing. And working out when I'm able. And going out with friends. And enjoying a drink or two.

No more wishing time away. Today is the day I start living for the present- because it is truly a gift

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