Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I just broke the three cardinal rules of HPT's

Sorry for the long silence. The friend I posted about in my last post has been going through a worse time than I thought, and it's been a lot of late nights helping them deal with their grief.

But on to tonight. I just broke the three cardinal rules of HPT's. I was out of wondfo's and stopped at the dollar store on my way home. This is the result:

1) Thou shalt not use blue dye tests
2) Thou shalt not look at the test after the time window has elapsed
3) Thou shalt not disassemble a HPT to get a better look at the lines

Yeah. Currently sitting in bed obsessing over a 6 hour old blue dye test. That clearly has a second line. That is clearly blue, albeit thin.

It's probably an evap or false positive.
I'm probably not pregnant
I don't know why I'm even letting myself get my hopes up.

I'm going to pick up a FRER in the morning. And I solemnly swear I will never buy a blue dye again.

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