Monday, December 16, 2013

Long Distance Monitoring- a primer

So last week, I really thought AF was on her way. I woke up in the middle of the night with gas pain and cramps, which is normally a surefire sign that AF is on her way.

So I called my clinic, and then looked at the calendar. Oh shit- we'd be in my hometown for Christmas during monitoring.

No problem, my clinic says, as long as I can find a clinic back home to monitor me.

Fat chance- I grew up in the sticks and the nearest RE is 1.5 hours away. But it was worth a shot.

I'll spare you the boring back and forth details- but it took 4 phone calls to get everything coordinated: if AF showed up, I'd be set for monitoring back home. We would be out of pocket for the monitoring appointment ($280 for US+ bloodwork) and have to pay my clinic another $150 or so for "long distance case management" but it was more than worth it knowing we wouldn't have to skip a cycle.

And then I got my meds ordered which was another praiseworthy moment. OOP cost would have been $978 for the follistim (75iu daily, ordered two 300 IU pens). Thank GOD insurance picked up 50% of the cost. Which bought it down to $488.

And then I had a coupon for $300 off from my RE.

Final cost- $188, and it will arrive on Wednesday!

And the best part- this first IUI should end up costing less than $850 out of pocket!

Of course AF didn't show up after all of this, but regardless we are set for IUI #1 as soon as she shows up. We're doing a hybrid cycle with Femara on days 3-8, and then follistim day 8 forward

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good plan! I hope the AF delay means that you'll get to do your monitoring at home after all (and save yourself some hassle driving and $$$!!).
