Thursday, December 12, 2013

Like this lamb...

Stark white on the FRER with FMU

But it was fun getting to the point of peeing on the FRER. Woke up having to pee like a racehorse. So I did a urine catch in a dixie cup like normal, and dipped the extra blue dye test. I don't know if I've got line eyes or just hopeful, but I thought there was a little squinter. So I decided it was time to break out a FRER.

And then realized I didn't have time to go buy a FRER, come home, dip, and then drive to work.

So the urine sample got transferred into a disposable plastic water bottle. The bottle of piss, dixie cup, blue dye test I took this morning, and the one I tore apart like a crazed drug fiend looking for a fix at 2AM and I all got into my car, and drove to the grocery store.

I must say I've gotten spoiled with Amazon prime. I've not had to buy a HPT *in person* in close to 2 years. And even though I'm married and we're hoping to be pregnant, it's still the most awkward walk from the condoms and HPT aisle up to the cashier. I mumbled a holiday greeting and went back out to the car.

Broke open the FRER, transferred the urine sample from the bottle back into the dixie cup. Time to dip the test. Dumped the extra urine back from the dixie cup into the water bottle. Put all the trash into a plastic bag, and dropped it in the McDonalds drive-through trash can after grabbing my mocha.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Stop at a stoplight. Squint at the FRER.

Drive a mile. Stop at another light. Squint harder. Put on the map light and hold it up, hoping to see a shadow.

Drive another two miles. Stop at a few more lights. Squint even harder.

Arrive at the office....

Tear the FRER apart like a crazy person.

Hold the test strip up to the fluorescent lights in my cube. Still nothing.

CD 29, no positive OPK this month. Time to call the RE and come up with a game plan for January.