Thursday, July 17, 2014

This time next year

So here's a break from my getting healthy posts to talk about TTC again. Mostly because I overslept on Monday, took a lazy day, and didn't set goals for myself... aside from not drinking a week's worth of calories while I'm in Memphis this weekend.

When you're having trouble trying to conceive, sometimes you find IF brain making you fantasize about the future. I remember how full of hope I was for my first clomid cycle. I remember how ridiculously hopeful I was that I would be one of the lucky ones with IUI.

And as we prep for IVF, I find myself once again trying to think positive and find myself saying "when I get pregnant with IVF #1".

Now I know the unfortunate reality is that statistically, MOST women don't get pregnant with IVF #1 (The live birth rate for IVF nationwide is 40%).

Both clinics I'm looking at have live birth rates of 31% and 36%. Statistically I know I will probably need more than one cycle. But damnit, I'm going to be the exception that drives those stats UP!

So I spent time thinking about what the next year will look like if our November IVF works (figuring based on my cycle that we'll probably have our IVF around the 15th).

November 2014: I'll be bloated, miserable, and fat. But I will be excited. We will have a trip to New York for our IVF, and probably stop at Niagara falls on the way home.

Thanksgiving 2014: Will probably be right around the time we get our BFP. And then I plan to not tell my mother. If she asks I'm going to lie and tell her it didn't take. Because I want to surprise her on Christmas Day. It will be double the surprise if we end up with twins. And I've resigned myself to that very real possibility!

December 2014: We'll be somewhere around 7 weeks at Christmas. We can't wait to tell the family on Christmas Day. I'm terrible at keeping secrets, but it will be so worth it!

March 21, 2015: Half baked, and the weekend I will be seeking re-election for my volunteer chair position. Could be an amusing election if I'm  half-baked with twins!

April 18th, 2015: Viability week. The flowers will be in full bloom, and we will be celebrating my blossoming belly

May 23rd, 2015: Memorial day weekend. 29 weeks. Hopefully this will be the weekend of my baby shower. My mom's already said she plans on having it at her house, and I'm looking forward to a super casual backyard holiday weekend barbeque with the whole family to celebrate Baby Dreaming!

July 4th, 2015: Happy independence day. If we're expecting twins, this could very well be our inside babies' independence days from my uterus! 35 weeks and we've hit the final countdown.

August 8th- Full term. God bless me if I make it this far!

It's really crazy to think that this time next year we could very well have an outside baby/babies! I'm going to hang on to that hope.

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