Thursday, July 31, 2014

Well shit, I have a half marathon in 79 days

Procrastination wins again. I have a half marathon in 79 days and I have been majorly slacking on my training.

The good news: My bath tub is getting installed this week so I will be able to take ice baths
The bad news: I have zero aerobic base and 11 weeks to train.

This may be the smartest or dumbest shit I've ever done in my life. We'll see. I'm making the commitment to get up at 5:30 AM every day to go for my training run so that I can get across that finish line. Because there is a shiny medal. A really big really shiny medal.

And beer. There is free beer at the finish line.

So here is my training plan. It's increasing my mileage by more than 10% per week, so I'm taking preventative measures like taping my knees, wearing my shin splint boots, and of course ice baths. And if I feel a stress fracture, I'm pulling out. But dammit, I'm going to do it. Because the week after this race is potentially when we start to stim for IVF #1. And I'm going to be 30 pounds lighter in the next 11 weeks.

And yes. I will be holding myself accountable.

I also need to do a weight check, but every time I've stepped on the scale this week it's said "Lo"

So between being too lazy to change the batteries, and enjoying the scale telling me that my weight is "Lo" (LOL) I've not weighed in.


  1. GO GIRL!!!!!! This looks like a great plan and it sounds like you have realistic expectations. Listen to your body as you go, and I believe that you'll get there! You should come on over to the Team FUIF check-in on the IF page. It's a great group! Very encouraging and it really does feel like a team!
