Tuesday, January 21, 2014

But you're so young- this should be easier

"But your so young.... it should be easier to get your ovaries to respond" 

Words out of the mouth of my RE yesterday morning.

Really? Are you effing kidding me? Of COURSE this should be easier. I'm in my mid 20's. Most women my age get pregnant "without trying" or "their first cycle off birth control". Even for the ones who "take a big longer" they often see pregnancy within 6-9 months of starting to try.

Hey douchecanoe, do you really think it was necessary to remind me that this should be easier? 

Do you really think I haven't noticed how "hard" this is as I stab myself with needle after needle, night after night? 

Did you think that I say to myself "gee whiz, these hot flashes, mood swings, and depression are just effing dandy?"

Did you think that you needed to remind me that most women "my age" respond "quite well" to clomid or femara... and that I'm not one of those women

Did you think I needed a reminder that while most people get knocked up and start a college fund for their spawn, that I'm draining our savings and rainy day funds to help our dream of becoming parents become a reality? 

This is the same RE who said "maybe a vacation is just what the two of you need. Just relax this month and who knows, maybe you'll come back pregnant" when we told her we were taking a month off to enjoy our vacation. 

I'm sorry- a doctor who did a 3 year fellowship in infertility should KNOW BETTER than to say things like this. 

As one of my IF ladies said "I'm sorry you had to deal with a doctor with a radioactive mouth".

I don't have the energy to deal with this. I just really don't. 

1 comment:

  1. That was two extremely STUPID things for your RE to say...I'm pissed off on your behalf. I totally agree that this doctor should know better. I'm sorry you had to deal with that sh!t.
