We had our first RE consult in early July, and it went well. He's the one who switched me over to Megace. The good news is that I cried less on the Megace and wasn't nearly as depressed. The bad news is that it made me an angry, angry bitch.
Had a repeat biopsy at the end of July- and NO evidence of hyperplasia. I think I've officially beat this monster. So then it was time to get the ball rolling.
Which brings us to yesterday- the day of my HSG. Oh where to even begin. There's nothing delicate or fun about it- though it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. I did take 800 of ibuprofen and 2 tylenol before the procedure- which seems to have helped.
There are no ways to adequately describe the experience known as the HSG. It felt like someone backed a cement truck up to my cervix and then dumped their load up my uterus.
But it was over fairly quickly. Except for the part where they couldn't get a good visual on my right tube. The rad. tech was in another room controlling the table and x-ray, so all I heard was this voice from the ceiling telling me to "pop my hips, oblique toward the door, oblique away from the door, ok, back down"
The good news: My uterus and left tube were picture perfect
The bad news: My right tube was completely occluded- probably a parting gift from an ex-douchebag of mine.
So after a round of 10:30 AM drinks I headed to the office feeling rather deflated.
And then my RE's office called. They had my clomid script ready. They just wanted to know if I'd be starting it THAT NIGHT or today so they could schedule my follie-check ultrasound.
Wait, WHAT? We're starting to cycle today? As in right now?
My day went from this
To this
To this

and finally something like this
So happy CD 3 to me!!!!!!
Hahaha! I can't stop watching the U of Memphis gif! Good luck, Naria!!