Monday, August 26, 2013


It sounds so much more exciting when it's called "The Clomid Challenge". It sounds like some sort of ovarian olympics. Or an Ironman for your uterus.

In reality it means your ovaries SUCK and didn't do jack squat for the last round of clomid.

Had my CD14 follie check today. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. A few little 7mm useless things on my right ovary (which is useless since my right tube is blocked) and nothing measurable on my left.

I feel so completely, utterly, and totally defeated right now. My left ovary  has been a literal pain in my side, and I had such a pretty temp drop and spike this weekend. Of course it came back down today and I'm chalking up my excitement to a change in blankets or something asinine. 

Is it 5:00 yet? I need something stiff. 

1 comment:

  1. ((hugs)) Hang in there, Naria. All of this up & down and uncertainty is just plain exhausting. But I hope it'll all be worth it very, very soon!
